In 2024, it became a habit for me to rest my mind and eyes by looking into the sky early in the morning. Once, I even caught the sun rising from behind the clouds to high up in the sky on video – from darkness to light. But one particular day, I noticed some black strings floating – are they floaters? Have they always been there?
I googled and got myself scared. Moreover, not too long ago, my brother had a retinal detachment when he was overseas. So my worries were magnified because I was going overseas soon. I quickly got my eyes checked. “Was there any head trauma?” the eye specialist asked. Not that I know of, although I remember my brother had a bad fall on his head when he was younger. The retinal tear could have happened then and only manifested much later with his retinal detachment. The hurt was hidden but not forgotten by the body. Does our heart have any unhealed hurt that might come to us physically or emotionally later in life?
Thankfully the eye specialist said my eyes had no problems and it was perhaps just ageing. That was what I had prayed for, that it’s nothing serious but merely due to ageing. Yet, it’s also nothing to celebrate because I am not in my fifties when it’s common to have floaters from ageing. In 2024, I felt my body ageing physically, with medical concerns popping up here and there. Still, I am praying and believing that God will renew my youth like the eagles in 2025 and beyond. This may refer to the moulting process when eagles shed old feathers and grow new ones over several months. This reminds me of another post I wrote about eagles circling upwards.
I asked the eye specialist if my floaters would go away, and he said it was unlikely. I was shocked because they were irritatingly floating within my vision! He said the brain will get used to them and I would learn to ignore them. How often do we also get used to and ignore the specks of sin in our lifeuntil the refiner’s fire burns the impurities to surfaces like how metals are refined?
He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;
Malachi 3:3 (NKJV)
He will purify the sons of Levi,
And purge them as gold and silver,
That they may offer to the Lord
An offering in righteousness.
God doesn’t leave us hanging after the impurities are purged out and we become conscious of our sins. We can take the next step to allow God to purify, sanctify and cleanse us with the washing of water by the word (Ephesians 5:26).
Everything that can endure fire, you shall put through the fire, and it shall be clean; and it shall be purified with the water of purification. But all that cannot endure fire you shall put through water.
Numbers 31:23 (NKJV)
The eye specialist asked me to come back for a follow-up because eyes are very dynamic and things might worsen quickly. So worries still linger at the back of my mind – ‘what if I become blind’ was my worst case scenario. Once, I was watching my children play at the playground when I looked up in the sky. I noticed an increased number of floaters, and I got stressed and the floaters seemed to get more vivid and animated. There were a few occasions like these. Other times, I don’t really see them.
The floaters seem to represent my worries and cares about this world. The more I focus on them, the more vivid they become in my life and the more they seem to multiply. My stress cortisols increase as well. However, when my focus is on other things, these floaters seem to fade away.
Thus when we keep our eyes on God and focus on Him, our worries and cares will fade.We will become more God-conscious instead of sin-conscious or devil-conscious. Naturally, thoughts that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report will flow into our minds and rivers of living waters will flow out of our hearts.
What’s your focus going to be in 2025?
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