

Have you run the race well? Or have you looked back on 2024 and found yourself regretting things?

Don’t regret holding on to regrets. Cut yourself some slack and show compassion to yourself. We had made those decisions without the benefit of hindsight. The external circumstances could have blinded or pressured us, the internal struggles made us not see things clearly or lack the strength to pull through.

I am someone who has a chronic habit of having regrets. I could order a dish and immediately regret my choice. So this is something I am learning as well – that I am just a human who cannot always make perfect decisions. And so the next best thing is not to dwell in the regrets and become swirled into self-pity, but to learn from my regrets and move on.

Recently I find myself asking this question as a check for whether I am in the right direction of God’s will – if I were to die today, would I have any regrets? Can I say I have run the race well and did what God had asked me to do?

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NKJV)

Are you able to say that you have run the race well too?If not, let’s set what you need to run the race well as the goal for 2025. Believe in God’s grace and miracle to do the impossible. You just need to take that step out to walk on water. Or if you are not sure how to run the race, take 2025 as a year to slow down your steps to listen to His heartbeat for you.

Either way, let’s have fewer regrets in 2025 as we abide in God, tap on His wisdom and walk in step with Him. Here’s wishing you a blessed new year with a big leap in your relationship with God!

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