Interview: Retired Senior Pastor, Now Re-tyred

Interview: Retired Senior Pastor, Now Re-tyred

This is part of our monthly interview series in 2024. Various individuals will share spiritual reflections and insights on their past, present, and future.

To kickstart this series, I have Pastor Kenny Chee with me.

You might also like the interview series with pastors of various churches sharing spiritual reflections and insights.

Who is he?

Pastor Kenny Chee was the Senior Pastor of the World Revival Prayer Fellowship. It is a Pentecostal church born out of the outpouring of the Spirit upon Singapore’s secondary school students in the early 1970s. He has since retired as the Senior Pastor and is now an occasional guest preacher. Also, he continues to bless others through his writings about spirituality, the church and ministry, and his personal life at

He is currently worshipping in Singapore.

The Past(as a Senior Pastor)

Pastor Kenny Preaching. All photos courtesy of Kenny Chee.

Looking back

If given a chance to return in time, is there anything you would do differently?

I was theologically trained with Bible knowledge and ministry skills but I wished I could discern the Holy Spirit’s slow, deep and transforming work in my soul. I would want to be more attuned to what the Spirit wants to do in my soul and yield to His loving touch. Hence, I would give more attention to the spiritual formation of my soul, and the healing and wholeness of the inner person.

When the branches of the vine are well pruned, they bear much fruit and bring praises to God.

What are the most memorable lessons or insights you had as a Senior Pastor?

I’ve learned that my inner life (being) is more important than my outer life (doing).

I went through two periods of burnout where I was tempted to quit the pastoral ministry. But through personal retreats, the Lord restored and strengthened my sense of call. He also instilled in me a willingness to endure and do His will. Silence, solitude and scriptures carried me through these burnouts.

Moreover, mature brothers-in-Christ guided me to know myself better and pointed me to God. When I focused on performance, I got discouraged, drained and disillusioned. When I focused on God – who He is and what He has done for me – I was gradually strengthened and renewed. His rhema word strengthened me and I was willing to continue in faithfulness to his call.

Looking back now, is there anything that would make you say, “God has made everything in his time,”or “God works all things good?”

During my burnouts, I discovered a whole new world of silent retreats, prayer and the formation journey. I regretted not knowing these things much earlier in my pastoral ministry.

Then, the Lord showed me that my mess could become His message. I can help younger pastors avoid the same problems I encountered through a ministry called ‘Spiritual Direction‘. God truly works all things for good to those who love him.

The Present

Pastor Kenny and his wife

Looking at now…

What are the things you are doing now or going through? Are you at a mountaintop, in a valley or plains?


I retired at age 65 and found myself at the mountaintop enjoying the fresh air and views with God. This life stage was a very joyful, meaningful and fruitful season for me. Even though retirement is a human construct adopted by many churches, I believe God works all things for good, and will release me to serve his greater glory.

Freed from pastoral tasks I dislike, I can now focus on using my strengths and spiritual gifts as the Lord leads. I enjoyed the slower pace of life, doing what I love and want to do. I felt a new lease of life and vision and my physical health improved!

In the last two years, I received formation as a spiritual director with a wonderful community of brothers and sisters. They had the same passion to accompany others in their spiritual formation too. Under this spiritual direction program, I learned the importance of growing in discernment, in an experiential love of God and self, and in the sacred ministry of accompanying others in their journey.


However, earlier this year, I found myself in a valley of distress and uncertainty when my wife, Jenny, was attacked by bacteria on her spine. It caused unbearable pain for her, and anguish for me as I felt powerless to relieve that pain. My wife was in the ward and the community hospital for a total of 51 days. She went through a spinal operation and had antibiotic infusions for weeks on end.

Thankfully, even in the valleys of life, God is actively present. He gave me the verse in Isaiah 43:2 which speaks about Him being with me through the waters, rivers and fires. And so like in Daniel 10:19, He spoke and I was strengthened.


Now, I thank God I am out of the valley and in the plains as my wife is on the road to recovery. She had a medical emergency and could have died but the Lord was with her and today she is recovering well. She is now at home getting stronger with physiotherapy and continuing with an oral antibiotics course.

I am also beginning to return to the routines and joys that were a part of my usual schedule.  I continue to preach and teach in my home church and churches that invite me. I continue to give spiritual direction to a few persons who want more of God in their lives.

Beginning in May, I have also put on my backpack and hiking shoes and helped pilgrims prepare for their Camino* in October.  However, there are some limits to this ministry and my travels for the time being. I believe these limits are necessary and will only be temporary. 

* Refers to the “Camino Ignaciano,” or “Ignatian way”. According to, this Camino follows the 640 km pilgrim route taken by Íñigo López de Loyola (who later became Saint Ignatius of Loyola) in 1522 from his home in Spain’s Basque country to Montserrat and Manresa.

In this season, what is God speaking to you about or teaching you?

I came to Christ in 1973 and after all these years of being a Christian and a full-time pastor, I am still learning to trust and rely on Christ for His daily graces. Also, I am learning how to recognize, trust and act on the promptings and inspirations of the Holy Spirit. I am also learning that to love well is the greatest of all, and I am still learning to pray.

All these are elementary stuff. Will I ever graduate from these lessons?

What do you think God is working on you to be more like Jesus in this season? Or what fruit of the Spirit is He growing in you? For example, patience, joy, forgiveness, empathy, etc.

During the recent period of my wife’s illness and recovery, I find God working in me to grow in His love, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control.

What is your bible verse of the season?

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Isaiah 43:2 (NKJV)

The Future

Pastor Kenny and his wife in front of a church

Look forward…

Where do you think God is leading you next – your purpose, dreams and visions?

It is very exciting to go with the flow, let God be God and allow Him to write my new chapter. I have been learning to follow the promptings of the Spirit and see where they lead and what fruit comes out of them.

Thus far, I have sought to faithfully steward God’s gifts and resources by responding with a “Yes” to ministry opportunities, be it itinerant preaching in Singapore or abroad, fellowshipping with pastors, writing books, giving spiritual direction, or sermon coaching.

Ultimately, I hope to release e-books that are readable, edifying and devotional.

What’s the next step you feel led to take?

To start writing out the books and blog posts I have brewing in my mind. I have begun to edit and refine the first draft of an e-book that I have written. I am also learning to convert the content of this book into Instagram reels.

Editor’s Note

We thank Pastor Kenny for sharing his stories and valuable insights. May we tend to our inner being, so that living water flows from the inside out. If this post speaks to you, particularly pastors or those in full-time ministry,leave a comment or send us a message to encourage Pastor Kenny – that his mess has indeed become God’s message. We look forward to his upcoming e-books!

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