Give and Bless

I hope my writings have blessed you. You can partner with me to bless many more others. Every time you bless, you sow the seed and water the plant (of awesome content) with me.

  • Contribute financially to the running of the website;
  • Share about Shema Rhema with your friends and family;
  • Follow Shema Rhema on Instagram or Facebook; and
  • Connect or send your encouragement through your comment or the contact form (scroll down).

I am grateful for your support in any way. God bless your heart!

Bless Financially

Thank you for your generous heart! I know the seed you bless will be multiplied back to you in an abundant harvest.

You can remain anonymous or leave your name and email address so I can drop you a note of thank you!

Here are a few ways you can sow (Ref: Shema Rhema):

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Bless Relationally

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